The Lake is
Mother to Us All
poems contributed by local writers
Poems table of content
The Lake Is Mother to Us All Christopher Kolon Lake Michigan Anneliese Finke Superior Sister Jim Landwehr to Michigami with love Kyote Schoor Casting Off Katrina Serwe My True Mother Stacey Wagner Sunrise Rhythm Lake Michigan Shore Carrie Sherrill The Bonded Mary Lindqvist Anything Is Possible David Edwards Polar Bear Plunge Elizabeth Harmatys Park Miracle Mirage Katherine Yets Our Lady the Lake Darleen Coleman Fuse Ed Werstein Who Could Imagine a Lake M.A. Hoff Kenosha Jeff Leisgang Advice to Barefoot Boy CJ Muchhala Where the Shoreline Takes Me Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes I Am Having an Affair with Lake Michigan Missy Isely-Poltrock At the lakefront Phyllis Wax Ghost Ship, A Great Lakes Mariner's Tale Peter Sherrill Flight Plan Marilyn Zelke Windau Almost 70, and Have Not Yet Stepped in Lake Michigan Thomas A. Thrun Weather at the Lake Margaret Rozga Our Mother, the Lake Christy Hoff Great Water Michael Staeger Not Blue Freesia McKee The Waves Daniel August Christensen, Sr. Within This Fading Autumn Joe Engel Shimmers Toni Roucka Lake Michigan Meandering Shawna Neal I'm Standing on a Beach in Southeastern Wisconsin Robert M. Katzman Lake Michigan Sailor's Seasons, four haiku John Neal Dear Kenosha Jean Preston Rock Collectors Christel Maass The Lighthouse Stands Michelle Murray Nobody Is Sleeping Sarah Freeborn |
Angel of Lake Michigan III
by Missy Isely-Poltrock Project chapbook available at the Modern Apothecary and Lemon Street Gallery in Kenosha. The chapbook will be available at the Kenosha Book Festival on June 23. Watch this space as new locations are announced.